Otherwise, has anyone used the Apachii wigs mod that adds a 'wigs anvil spell' to let you craft wigs of some of the older Apachii hairs? I'm a bit wary of mods that use spells to activate things like that (rather than just adding stuff to the normal crafting menu or having an MCM or something). esp as a master, but that I couldn't have multiple masters, but obviously it must be possible to do so (or there must be a thing I'm missing) because otherwise how can you make patches for two mods etc in CK, which AFAIK you can? Also, when I opened just 3DNPC to try and just give him a different vanilla hair, I got a LOT of error messages (missing things and whatnot), is that normal? I've only ever really used the CK to tweak vanilla stuff before, not loaded a big mod like 3DNPC.

Am I missing something? It didn't say I couldn't use an. Hmm, okay, I actually tried to open the CK and try this today and I got an error message telling me I couldn't use multiple masters (I tried to use Apachii for males and 3DNPC so as to use one of the Apachii hairs on my follower).